Friday, October 14, 2016

This is a poem

This is a poem for love
for the power
of  words

This is a poem for you 
beautiful horse on the side of the road
eyes are as big as the moon
that I slid by for one brief moment
and we saw each other 
who I will never see again
you who are loved by someone else
a person I have never met
you eating grass
in a field I will never walk across

This is a poem for all the people I smile at who look at me blankly
maybe just in to much pain or fear to even see me longing to share with them
maybe wondering why I love them for that moment at all
or knowing that i don't really
and that I will walk on
and forget them.

This is a poem for you
for all the love I would smear on your skin
how I would slam my heart into yours
smash myself into your everything
and then after kissing you
lay at your feet refreshed
curled in my pain 
in our beauty
longing to go back to our mother earth
and fearing nothing more

This is a poem about how sunlight love strands tangle in my heart spreading out flailing floating from my body into the air around me
up into the clouds and dark star light
raining back 
dripping into empty fields
missing lonely hearts
filling puddles
resting on the tops of the trees

This is a poem for all the people i don't know
a billion leaves shaking in the wind, glittering
the grains of sand deep under the beach, 
below my feet as i walk
that i will never touch or see or know

This is a poem for

for the bodies being washed with love
being zipped into plastic bags and being taken away
by workers who take away bodies every day
being lowered into the ground, 
covered by earth

This is a poem for the dead cats
on the side of the road
and the people who don't know your dead
who will never stroke on your tense warm bodies again
but will pet another's

This is a poem for those of us just glad to get through this day 
and the dark of last night.
and for those 
who have already 
let go. 

Here is my prescription for the vast majority of us: You need to be in a relatively safe place outside with others