Saturday, December 1, 2018


There are laws of physics
That we are trapped by
That we can not escape from
no matter how hard we dream

They say
There was a point
When everything in our universe was one
A singularity
A point of everything inside itself
or nothing

Maybe that was Heaven
No separation
Everything one with everything
The rightest moment

Or maybe
It was Hell
like a cage, a trap
The pressure
Everything couldn’t stand it

Or maybe it was so wonderful
To be pressed so close
So magnificent to know
to feel
pure connection
We just had to share it
To explode with joy
Isn't it amazing?!?

And so Everything
Decided to exploded
Or had to,
We just couldn’t help it

And the instant we did
We both loved it and regretted it
Is the violence tore us apart
and broke us
From being one
into being
We screamed
and fell and flung and flew
We celebrated and sang out with joy
We roared with the birthing
and wept with happiness and rage
We shrieked the same blood-red screeches of pain that mothers release from their throats
when they see their babies dead

It took us so long to settle
Out, down
To calm
To a slower breath
and grow
Trust and bond again
but we did

We made
We became
Energy, Matter

And now
We repeat
And repeat
and repeat
Being one
and separating.
and Destroying.
Birthing and
The gift
and curse of life
That we hate and love.
The cycle
And we can not escape
We remember
We long for
We dream of
And we fear
That moment
That point
When we
Were one
With everything


We find a balm
In ritual
In the repeat
Because then we remember
what we were once were

The ritual
In leaves falling
And the ground freezing
The ritual in
Rain falling and mud
In laying in the warm sun
In running
And hiding
In crying and kissing
In making love
In breaking open ourselves
and pushing life out of our bodies

Here is my prescription for the vast majority of us: You need to be in a relatively safe place outside with others