Thursday, July 27, 2017

oh beautiful boy
young man
move your legs, pump them against the peddles
the ground
test your strength
feel the heat grow in your body, fight to go further faster
fly through this air as fast as you can
Show the wind
your determination, your excitement
and you puppy smile
it is new
you are here
wild and fresh and alive
be seen
see yourself
feel yourself
your body
feel the blood pumping through your muscles
and skin
your long perfect limbs releasing the energy of the sun
feel your arms and each powerful finger grip the handle bars as you plow through the head winds

because tomorrow
may never arrive
maybe gone
we may leave each other
as mysteriously as we came together.
We will leave each other
as mysteriously as we came together
we will leave this ground
these roads
the gravel edge
the dirt
we will leave the trees and rocks
smiles and pain
we will leave
we are walking towards the exit now
but today you are so here
as beautiful as every sunrise and sunset
ever created
as unique as every blade of grass and grain of sand on the surface of the earth
as magical as every streak of light reflected since some crazy seed of singularity
over 3 billion years ago
to make all that is joyous and violent
all that is known and unknown
that expanded 3 billion years
ago to make you
and then
take you back in.


Mary said...

So beautiful Sarah!

pakescorts646 said...
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Here is my prescription for the vast majority of us: You need to be in a relatively safe place outside with others