oh humans
this is a lullaby to you
Sweet humans don't you know to stop looking
for God
or Goddess
far away
There is no house to enter
no door to leave open
God lives in you
you are Gods home.
You are the arms of God
and the eyes of God
and God is in the arms and eyes of every person you see
brush by
or touch
God is in everything you see and and do
You sleep in Gods bed
You are wrapped in the Goddess cloths
fed by her plants
The breath of spirit comes into you with every inhale
flows from you with every exhale
Your body is as sacred as they come
every mistake you make
feeling you feel
The beginnings of time
are in the pain in your chest
in everything that feels right
and warm.
God is in the words frozen in fear
on your tongue
that long to come out
but won't
Feel the fear
the visceral fear
righteous anger that you were placed in this maddening
crazy puzzle world
and know
it is a magical blade of two sides.
because there is also nothing to fear
Nothing to fear in the dark
in the sweet end of the day
or days
end of years
or time running out
or the dog running loose
nothing to fear even in your children dying
or suffering
or the end of the Earth
the end of the Moon
or the Sun
moving to a place where the stars are not the same
God is there
is everywhere
everywhere you have ever been or will ever go
in this life
or after
there is no mystery
that is not in you
or some how tied to you
you all part of all that has ever been
or will ever be.
Oh humans
so caught in our torture
of each other
and our cages
and seprateness
so broken
and whole.
All will be forgiven
all is forgiven
because you are God
you are in God
and God is you.
Sweet humans sleep a peaceful sleep now
because you are right
you are good
and for now the sun
that we know
and love
will rise tomorrow
and will again shine its love
our love
on us.
Friday, August 25, 2017
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
When you are lost
When you are lost
and I don't know where
when you can not hear me
and there is nothing I can doI need to know
it is your road to travel
your journey
to come out from
in the woods
or your in own mind
I will give you your journey
I will trust in you
I will trust in all that is
In the endless circles
of hellos and goodby's
of babies and wrinkles
rocks and stars
the endless circles
of struggle and healing
violence and birth
rotting and growth
I will trust
I will trust
and I will still call
I will call your name
I will call
my voice echoing against the clouds
and hills
I am here
We are here
just over the ridge
down the creek
around the block
right in front of you
We are here with waiting arms
waiting to hold you and all your sorrows
we are here
with plenty
with food to nourish you
and blessed water to quench you
The wind is still sweet
and for now there is enough
enough food
enough love
enough time,
sunshine and blankets
trees and fertile earth
eat it with me
share with me
care for me
cry with me
for we are here together
but everything we know
and love
will die
Then I see
I need to let go and know
That it is our journey to travel
There is no going back
no other way to find
I can not lock the door
we can not hide
or buy a map of lies from a slick sales man
So I may as well stand as tall as I can
look as fully as I can
with out blinking
at the future we have in front of us
a species
perhaps suicidal by accidental design
so scared and full of pain
a species of beauty and brutality
that has learned to care for and nurture the most beautiful seeds
and to tortures ourselves and each other
a species grasping at hope and stories
stories of hate
stories of perfection, bliss,
shiny gold, stories of sleek cars and
Gods in the sky
or buried in ourselves
that save us
or reject us
So scared we have sold each other a thousand mountains of trash, a million books of lies
and as our home planets eco systems shifts
as our own children's fate shifts under our feet
We hoard resources,
build fences and walls from each other
we bicker of needless details and trite slices of coated candy
So scared we can not see another path to take
I will try as hard as I can
not to loose myself in the fear
but to wait in wonder and awe
while we are here
as we prepare
to let go
Wash me with your tears
bless me with your smile
gaze into my eyes
and cherish me
and I will cherish you
for everything we know
and love
will die.
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