Saturday, April 20, 2019

Crazy Momma Earth

Momma earth is not always a kind mother
because really she is kinda crazy
in turmoil
she may give you everything you need
but then when you are in need she may turn her back to you

She is a drama queen
often enamored with power
Sometimes she favors her sons that are jerks, assholes 
and forsakes those who have cared for her
the timid and small

She throws fits
and breaks everything
and her poor children left confused and forlorn
crawling for shelter
rejected and ignored

Oh she loves us so much
but she forgets about us

She cries "Why have I birthed my babies
just to leave and ignore them?"
but she must
let them go
and trust they will go on their way
as she goes off to party
and play
and fight with her lovers
and then roll over in her crushing pain
and curling into her molten core
like baby herself
crying in her confusion

Here is my prescription for the vast majority of us: You need to be in a relatively safe place outside with others