I see it clearly,
the dying
So die now so beautifully
so ugly
Melt away before my eyes
Dry up, crumple, shrivel and mold
Fight the dying
Flail your arms
Crawl on top of each other to get out
Struggle to save each other
the wounds out
the goo off each others wings
each others hearts
your limbs so you may drag on a little more
But my eyes are Gods
and they told me
We are doomed
We are gifted
with returning
and now at our crowning pinnacle of glory and gore,
blazing brilliance and raging anguish
we are falling like rain
ready like leaves before fall
So shimmer now
one more time for me
Let me tell you I love you
I am so happy we were here
Oh you were raining stars
so beautiful
If you only knew how beautiful you are
your heart would explode
It would explode with the power of the first moment
and a new universe would be born
for that is what happens every time a soul explodes
into truth
Oh lover, friend,
don’t keep yourself from weeping
because it is the cruelest goodbye and hello
Our God is terrible
and kind
Their loving arms
will scorch
Their kiss is sweet
but it will burn away our bones