Saturday, November 10, 2007

Full life

I am posting my first blog ever. nothing to so many. so new to me. What a weird thing this computer world is!! I wanted to post what a great first class I had today at the pink house studio. I Mixed yoga and dance improvization and my bucket drums and I was so proud. It really was good. Drumming really does feel great. I felt like I was vibrating out the stress, wonderful. I had made a new mix cd too and It was so fun to be in the space and dance and move, Buckets of joy. imagine you are carrying around two large buckets of your most favorite thing.......


Jen said...

I already sent a heart holding letter. now I am bitter and wonder why the fuxk I am running this guantlet/can't read what I have already written?
I miss you sarah. 7272674211
Now All I live in is the parks. Jen X

Jen said...

I already sent a heart holding letter. now I am bitter and wonder why the fuxk I am running this guantlet/can't read what I have already written?
I miss you sarah. 7272674211
Now All I live in is the parks. Jen X

Here is my prescription for the vast majority of us: You need to be in a relatively safe place outside with others