I could live in this song with you.
There is a song I could live in with you.
There is a song I live in with you. A story that is yours and mine.
It feels... like there is perfect opening line.
A perfect opening line.
This poem is just for you and me.
No one else.
For the song that I live in that is you.
The curve of your chin that I out line over and over with the tips of my fingers.
How you swept me into my dreams and now even if you waltz away I hope I remember the solid sweetness.
As sure as sap that drips down the trees.
That our dreams were shared, separately
but when mixed together fit.
Like the perfect pot of soup.
The magic brew.
They filled the caldron full. Bubbled - boiled over with magic bubbles.
Steamed up my kitchen and I couldn't get the scent off of me.
A magic.
That swept into my dreams.
A fist full of my dreams and yours mixed with rosemary and lemon sorrel and afternoon sun.
Like our dreams were mixed up in the clouds before we even knew.
Like the bobbing heads of cosmos light filtering threw their Petals that your parents planted and entranced me.
The beginning of the spell.
Cast into the earth and my soul.
Project it all on me sky and I will magnify his love.
I will burn my love into wood.
Pierce this reality with a story so long and old, so enchanted he will never leave
even when our dance together is done.
So enchanted we can never leave.
For I am still the child who dreams.
I am the girl swept away by melodies.
Who waltzes with desire.
The little girl who will never die I until I die.
For her I believe.
Oh the throbbing heart of the earth that gave me this dream.
Offers me no treasure that I can refuse.
Oh magic juices.
Mystic fluids flow through my body telling me it is right.
It is just to run.
To it to your bed to your arms.
Fly me higher then I thought I would go.
Lower than I was.
I forfeit it all.
all love is a trade.
That all trades take.
That reward is not given without being brave.
How I would risk it all to taste your sweet sugar smile.
To hear you say again that it's impossible not to love me.
For you only I am grand.
For I am addicted to the spell the world cast upon me when you said you loved me.
I am enraptured by the gentle beast that is you.
The sadly tamed thing that I long to free.
That I fear
to free.
Like a wind that blew through me.
How I long to capture it.
And fear to do so.
Stay with me
Son of the great spirits, wild wind.
I will dance in dreams with you over and over.
My mythology is you and your rolling unknowable edges.
Your encompassing soul that has entwined me.
Blow through my hair.
Flow through my body.
You are my poison my food, my antidote to the curse.
The curse of this small life.
The curse that I excepted so long ago.
The curse I was handed from the stars through my parents and all who came before.
That we were all handed from the first scream of creation.
You are my magic pebble.
Now I will toss you up.
Up into the air.
I will toss you away to the winds that brought you.
Who are you.
Blend with them.
Land where you will.
Never forget me no matter the that winds or water wear.
My heart is seeded in you.
I planted it there.
With every kiss you let me give you.
Could I plant enough kisses in 2 months to combat the torture of fate to only bring us together and then leave us back here in earth with our small fates.
Our little lives.
Oh brother dreamer.
Get lost with me again.
Wander through the wild lands enchanted world.
If I could I would give you the world to write about.
I would send you songs in your dreams.
And if your heart gets crushed into the earth
I hope then I have loved you for enough years that I know you will always be with me.
If I could squeeze you tight enough to wring all the sorrow of the world out and let you start again in a new universe.
I one pure of violence and rage.
If I could dream that world up I would paint it on your soul.
If I could rescue us from fate. From the curses.
The curse of wanting, the curse of wishing it was different.
The curse that you my prince will die.
That our love will crumble.
That I am only one of a billion princesses lost in the spiraling falling toward earth hoping we will be caught in safe arms.
Scoop me up for one more day and tell me this day it is ok.
This day we are alright.
Safe one more day.
float me in your capable strong arms
stroke me, pet me and tell me your not leaving.
Tell my heart that doesn't believe.
That is leaving another to run to you.
Tell my betrayal that family is not everything.
That I can grow to know you there like the earth under my feet,
like I knew he was there.
Never doubting that he loved me more than any other thing.
How can I not doubt when I know I am planted on you in this life like a new seed, a young sprout.
And so much can go wrong the first seasons.
Drought, soggy soil. Forgetfulness.
Weeds like trouble crowding out, chocking a young vine.
In the magic garden that the good and bad witches planted.
they bestowed their gifts and curses upon us.
The gates are guarded.
The treachery of creation.
all the signs are there.
The music is there.
The end is understood.
For every blessing we trade in a coin
A hoard of pain backs all the magic.
All the tell tale sighs.
Red dog, black cat. Spires of smoke.
Cathedrals of hope.
Fields of red poppies.
Rivers of relief and motes of rage.
Guiding stars and missed signs.
I traded my soul for the gift of life to flow through me.
I gave my heart to the earth that does not care about you of me but will make a deal over and over.
Letting us pretend we have power and control.
Pretend you are the magic one.
In darknesses magic garden you were born out of a flower.
And I saw it.
I dreamed of its silky Petals
and i picked it
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