Monday, March 28, 2016

star dust memory chip

How we all just want to be seen
to let our bit of star dust chip shine
and have others, ones we love, shine it back on us.

How we all just want
to make a beautiful thing

How I can feel the air bubble pressure change
as I pass by you
how I rub off on you
smiles soak into cheeks
the smell of my smoke
soaks into your cloths

To build a fire from coals
press two together
and blow
feed them air
and tinder
until the flame emerges,
bursts forth
and it becomes one

How I long to press myself into you

How once implanted in my heart
the computer chip in my body
scans the distance of eyes
searches for you
in the pattern of every face.

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Here is my prescription for the vast majority of us: You need to be in a relatively safe place outside with others